SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd, 2024 10A - 5P
Car Show Registration is CLOSED.
ONLY Pre-registered vehicles will be permitted to enter the show.
Past Car Show Information: (Subject to Change).
The Rules
We are grateful for your participation and for sharing your amazing art in the form of your cars.
We encourage and invite you to display an Ofrenda in or near your vehicle, space provided.
Line up for all preregistered vehicles begins at 6:00 am.
Cars will only be allowed on Sherman Way via Jordan Ave, North of Sherman Way. Enter Sherman Way via Jordan Ave and Wyandotte.
Check-in table is on Jordan (just north of Sherman Way), they will sign you in, give you your event notice to display in your entry vehicle and direct you to your spot.
Per LAPD and LAFD rules, no one will be allowed to enter event after 9:15 am. All vehicles must stay for the full time of the event. Event hours are from 10 am until 5 pm and must wait to leave until LAPD, LAFD & event Security give the go ahead (once streets are safely cleared of pedestrians). Please be patient as it may take 30 to 60 minutes to clear the pedestrians.
Absolutely no alcohol and no cooking permitted at the event or in the surrounding neighborhood. Please respect this city rule so that we may continue to hold this event in the future.
If you have any questions call (818) 346-7480. Please be patient with our staff & volunteers.
Thank you!
Legal Stuff
Main Street Canoga Park, Canoga Park Improvement Association, event sponsors or the City of Los Angeles are not liable for loss or damage of personal or material property when participating in the Día de Los Muertos Classic Car Exhibition.
In case of rain, the event will still take place and there are no refunds.
Car clubs wishing to park together must arrive together.
PLEASE: NO alcohol and NO BBQ’s are permitted: Violators of either of these rules will be asked to leave and the entire car club will not be able to attend next year’s event.